Books Available

Set Free: The Authentic Catholic Woman’s Guide to Forgiveness is now available. Dr. Alice vonHildebrand writes:

Forgiving is the core of this book. Genevieve addresses a problem of existential urgency because the world in which authentic forgiveness has been forgotten, or even eradicated, is not only a broken world but a dying world.

Basing her analysis on concrete situations, she shows with sensitivity and wisdom that forgiveness, which cannot erase the sin of the offender, heals the wounded person. The refusal to forgive inevitably infects the wound caused by the cruelty and wickedness of the offender. It can soon degenerate into a “sickness unto death.” She makes it clear that the wounded person needs help; and this help comes from God, Who through His grace can soften our hearts of stone, and transform them into hearts of flesh.

This book–written for a very large public–if read with an open heart, will be a powerful help to those who with God’s grace, realise that to forgive is to love oneself with a true love. Whereas the unrepentant forgiven person is still sick, the forgiving one is healed.”

Mulieris Dignitatem

The 25th anniversary edition of Saint John Paul II’s letter, Mulieris Dignitatem is available with commentary by Genevieve. Having previously addressed the Vatican conference dedicated to this Apostolic Letter and having written a series of articles on the richness therein, she was asked by the Daughters of Saint Paul to provide the annotation, which makes this version perfect for group discussions or individual study. Grab a copy, and then consider if the women of your parish might benefit by reading it together.                                       Tolle, Lege.

Authentic Catholic Woman

Genevieve’s first book, The Authentic Catholic Woman, is available from Servant Books. With a forward by Christopher West, this work offers a spiritual and practical outline to help all women understand God’s plan for their lives. From Father Roger Landry:
“Genevieve Kineke does all of us a great service in this important new book. Through her profound yet clear exposition of the authentic femininity of the Church as the paradigm for Catholic women today, she not only provides concrete, practical help for women seeking holiness amidst the joys and struggles of married, religious or single life, but provides all Catholics, men and women, with a much deeper understanding of what the Church is and how we, in the Church, are called to respond to Christ and others. This book will nourish every disciple.”

God's Call in Women

Edited by Christine Anne Mugridge In these spiritual memoirs, twelve women – Joanna Bogle, Ronda Chervin, Jo Criossant, Marika Gubasci, Kimberly Hahn, Genevieve Kineke, Chiara Lubich, Susan Muto, Maureen Roach, Joy Shiroi, Alice von Hildebrand, and Mercedes Arzu Wilson – share about their journeys to Christ and the Church and about their vocations to serve in the Church and the world. Their stories bear witness to their wise use of their gifts of femininity to advance the gospel. Let the memories and reflections of these outstanding Catholic women inspire and instruct you on God’s call and gift to women.